There are several options to take to become a professional pilot. I tried to narrow those down based on my interests and what was available to me.
I knew from a very young age I wanted to fly a plane. I love to fly and travel! When I was two, I was given the opportunity to go inside the cockpit in an airplane, meet the pilot and sit in the captain’s chair! It inspired me and has become my dream. I have taken every opportunity to talk to pilots and crew members and I have researched types of airplanes, career opportunities and how to follow that path.
While becoming an Eagle Scout, I attended an aviation camp to fulfill requirements for the Aviation merit badge. This hands-on flying experience solidified my decision to become a pilot. I learned all about aviation and the physics behind flight. I have been in the cockpit on five more flights as a ‘co-pilot’ in a Cessna 172-B plane, including a flight over Yellowstone National Park. It is thrilling to experience flying from the pilot’s seat.
My life has been a fusion of diverse interests and experiences. Music has been a constant companion, not just a hobby but a passion that drives me. Leading ensembles, founding a jazz trio, and exploring various genres have shaped my creativity, teamwork, and adaptability. The mind frame and work ethic of musical discipline and mastery align well with the path to pilot and the commonalities in the way of thinking.
I knew I wanted to earn a degree and started my search of universities that offered Aeronautical Engineering, Professional Flight and an opportunity to continue music. I narrowed the list down and visited my top choices-Embry Riddle Daytona, Embry Riddle Prescott, Purdue University, Air Force Academy, Liberty University, and Rocky Mountain College.
Each option had great educational opportunities. Additional things I considered were unique weather, available airplanes, proximity of airport to campus, distance and ways to travel to my hometown, financial cost, and timing of and availability to fly. Ultimately, I have committed to Purdue University as it offers me a music education minor, availability to play in more ensembles and bands and expanded exposure to diverse instruction. I plan to participate in the Emerging Leaders Summer Scholars Program to help give me a jump start on my professional pilot license and give me an opportunity to get acquainted with the campus and college life before the majority of the students arrive. I will live in a Learning Community which will provide me a network of students with similar interests and educational goals to help support my newfound independence and critical decision making.
I appreciate the support I have already received from the Flying Musicians Association and look forward to the insights and advice going forward. While I earn my licenses and fly as a pilot, I hope to share my love of music, uplifting spirits and fostering connections among diverse cultures and communities.