Hello everyone! Recently I was selected to play in the Dodea Pacific Far East Honor Band for 2nd Trombone! The event will be held in April at Kadena High School in Okinawa, Japan. The audition materials were 2 tricky etudes(technical and lyrical) and a chromatic scale. I was nervous that many people would do well so I practiced for a while in advance. I had to send in an audition recording and I made it! I just recently received music that we will play and I wanted to share it with you all. Has anyone played/listened to these songs before? If so, how did you like them? Also, one of our conductors will be the Pacific Air Force Band Commandeer Lt. Col Hansen. Our music selections are as follows, Armed Forces 2022-Justis MacKenzie, First Suite in E Flat- Gustav Holst, Hymn to the Fallen(from the movie Saving Private Ryan)- John Williams, and Selections from Wicked- Bocook. I am very excited and cant wait to begin practicing!