Small Blessings

Lacey RayGreetings from western PA! After many weeks of cold and windy winter weather interfering with my flying lessons, I have been blessed to have some sunny weather the last two weekends. The next several weeks will be very full with rehearsals as we prepare for our upcoming musical, “Back to the 80’s,” which opens March 20, but I do have a couple lessons scheduled. I’m hopeful for more good weather for those. I’ve attached a photo from my recent flying lesson, as well as a photo from our musical sitzprobe, where we had our first opportunity to rehearse with the pit band. We are excited to taking the stage… Read More

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Solo and Ensemble 2025!!

Lauren Grace ComptonJust got the results from my final MMEA Solo and Ensemble performance as a high schooler…… I earned the highest rating of superior of Chaminade’s Concertino, the same piece my mom played for her final solo and ensemble performance. After 8 years and twelve total flute solo and ensemble performances, I’ve grown so much as a musician. I couldn’t have selected a better final piece, and I cannot wait to see where my flute takes me in college!

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Messages from Jacy in Japan

Jacy FiskBeautiful Sunset This was my view while on my downwind at Kadena AFB in Okinawa, Japan. . . I was in awe of this beautiful sunset. Tryouts for Far East Band This week I’m trying out for my last Far East Band (all students from US military bases in Asia can compete). I’m nervous, excited, and a bit sad that it’s almost over. Wish me luck! Here’s a flashback photo of me from my freshman year. Proud Parents After one of my flight lessons, my parents showed me a screenshot of my phone’s location while I was flying. And, they took photos of me from our balcony. Because I’m… Read More

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Jocelyn Bew Solos

Jocelyn Solos

An update from a proud mom: “I just wanted to send an update to you on my daughter Jocelyn’s progress on her aviation journey. Last year she was one of the finalists for the solo scholarship program (she had fun joining you for Sun ‘n Fun). This past autumn she worked hard balancing her last year of competitive marching band with starting her flight training during an active hurricane season. She is flying out of an amazing location, Space Coast Regional Airport in Titusville, FL – with both amazing views of the NASA facilities and the Warbird Museum at her airport. She soloed on November 26th. Right now, she is… Read More

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Sun ‘n Fun with the FMA Brass

Jocelyn BewAt this year’s Sun ‘N Fun, I had the honor of playing in the FMA’s brass band! Most years I only get to attend the weekend portion of Sun ‘n Fun, but this made it an exciting week of Aviation, Music, Sun, and Fun! It was great getting to meet other members of the Flying Musicians while combining our shared interests. The weekend before the airshow, the FMA brass rehearsed at Orlando Executive Airport (KORL), which was such a fun experience. Each Saturday this spring, I have been taking our local EAA chapter’s Youth Aviation class. We have built and flown model airplanes, toured the Sheriff’s hangar, built wing… Read More

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Women In Aviation Conference with Jazz

Jocelyn BewRecently, I was able to attend the Women In Aviation International (WAI) conference held in my hometown; Orlando, FL! My WAI chapter awarded me and four other amazing women from the chapter scholarship to attend. I was super nervous leading up to the conference, but quickly got more and more comfortable as it went on. As a junior in high school, I am constantly trying to find my ideal college to major in aviation (while still being able to play in music ensembles) and I was able to meet lots of colleges that I hadn’t even considered. I met so many inspiring people, such as Nicole Battjes, the founder… Read More

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