“Hello again everyone! After a very busy semester of flying, work, and classes, I finally have time to update everyone about my various adventures. I passed my Commercial Multi-Engine checkride on December 4! I had hoped to finish multi earlier in the semester, but my instructor left for the airlines and it took me a few weeks to get a new MEI because a lot of our previous MEIs had also left for the airlines. After I got a new MEI, I had a couple of review flights and was in for the checkride.”

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  • Congratulations on passing your Commercial Multi-Engine checkride, your CFI and new position at Kent! It sounds like you had quite a busy semester with flying, work, and classes. I can only imagine how challenging it must have been to balance everything, but you did it, and that is very inspiring to me since that is my goal too. I start MTSU this fall. I am working on my ppl now and hope to have completed my training before the first semester. Best of luck!

  • Congratulations on becoming a CFI! I can’t wait to follow you further on your journey! I will be starting college this fall and it comes with excited ment and anxiety. Thank you for sharing your experience and accomplishments, it not only serves as an example but also as inspiration!

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