At this year’s Sun ‘N Fun, I had the honor of playing in the FMA’s brass band! Most years I only get to attend the weekend portion of Sun ‘n Fun, but this made it an exciting week of Aviation, Music, Sun, and Fun! It was great getting to meet other members of the Flying Musicians while combining our shared interests.
The weekend before the airshow, the FMA brass rehearsed at Orlando Executive Airport (KORL), which was such a fun experience. Each Saturday this spring, I have been taking our local EAA chapter’s Youth Aviation class. We have built and flown model airplanes, toured the Sheriff’s hangar, built wing ribs, and planned a cross country flight, which we get to fly this weekend. Unfortunately, the day of the rehearsal the tour of the Control Tower had to be canceled. On the bright side, it gave us the ability to do young eagle flights instead. As the young eagles were taking off, the members of FMA brass were landing for the rehearsal. The group also needed a French horn player too, so I got to enlist one of my band friends to play and share this experience with her. We practiced around 25 pieces; one of which had an amazing trombone feature, which was both very fun and very scary, especially since I have only played trombone for two years. My EAA chapter enjoyed dropping in on the rehearsal too.
On Tuesday, my friend and I went to Sun n’ Fun after school for the FMA Brass performance. We played right in front of the STOL area. I have always enjoyed watching the STOL competitions, so this made it very special. It was neat to be able to get to know people while combining my two interests. There is something special about aviation people and music people! Although it was scary playing music arrangements that were new for me, it felt amazing to be in such a supportive environment. Everyone in FMA inspired me.I’m super happy to have had this opportunity to play with other pilot musicians! Sadly, our performance on Thursday was canceled due to inclement weather, but I look forward to being able to play with FMA musicians again. See you next year, if not sooner!
Friday and Saturday I returned to enjoy more of Sun ‘n Fun. In addition to all of the planes, I enjoyed checking in at the expo, especially trying out all of the sims. I visited as many of the FMA sponsors as I could. My favorites were Gleim and FlyingEyes. I also stopped by the blue FMA tent again. Thanks to the supportive group, I think I found my true musical calling – the Vibraslap. I even got to be featured on it when we played The Girl from Ipanema.
Thank you to EAA chapter 74 for your support and all of your assistance in the arrangements for our rehearsal. Thank you to FMA for this amazing opportunity, especially Mr. Zapp and Mr. Postel; I cannot wait to meet up with everyone again. Thank you also to the other FMA solo nominees. It is so exciting and inspiring to be a part of a group like this!