Membership: FMA members, through their dues and actions, are the lifeblood of the organization. Memberships categories are: student, general, life, and (Corporate Membership Outline). Join today!
Sponsors: Various entities in both the aviation and music industries have found FMA to be an excellent choice to support. Your company will too. Visit our sponsors.
Donors: We have been extremely fortunate to have many donors throughout the years. Some have allowed FMA to honor their support while others remain anonymous. Contact us to inquire how you can donate whether anonymously or not –
Donate: Receive shirts, hats, mugs, and more when you donate. Visit our branded items page
The skills required to play an instrument and fly an aircraft have marked similarities, from precision and multitasking to listening and fine motor skills. By educating others about these common attributes, we hope to further interest in both. The goal is to share our passions in order to inspire, educate, and encourage others by creating enthusiasm and promoting personal growth through aviation and music.
“Flying and music are my two passions in life and the flying musicians have put both of those together for a great cause. I believe educating the next generation is so important for music and aviation to continue on.”
– Aaron Tippin

Money donated to smaller organizations has a much greater impact. Donations do not get lost in the pool of money and it is easier to see direct results due to your contributions.
Flying Musicians Association
C/O John Zapp
PO Box 3325
Bella Vista, AR 72715
“My wife and I want to help where we can and so we decided to sponsor an FMA scholarship ourselves through the Auen/Shea Family Fund. Music and aviation are deeply rooted in our family and combining the two through FMA is a worthwhile endeavor. We encourage others to do the same. Visit the FMA website and get inspired yourself, or better yet meet one or more of these impressive young adults. Consider sponsoring a scholarship. It won’t break the bank, and it provides a valuable boost for deserving applicants.”
– Jeff Auen