Jake Myers takes the oath of enlistment

University, Flying, ROTC, & Other Adventures

Jake Myers, 2020 FMA Solo scholarship recipient, has a huge update. Stories like his are the best part of assisting others. With his first semester completed at Penn State University, Jake made the best of his reunion with family. “While home over Christmas, I finally got the opportunity to take my family flying. It was a dream come true, and a super cool thing to be able to do.” There is no doubt Jake’s family are very proud of his accomplishments. His FMA family is too. Many of us look forward to catching up on the latest news from Jake regarding his aviation and music journey as well as his… Read More

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FMA Solo Nominees Announced

The 2022 deadline (1/31/22) has passed. We receive 37 nominees from North America. We would like to thank all of our media partners who helped get the word out as well as music teachers, guidance councilors, parents and grandparents . The FMA network is now 37 student members stronger with the assistance of the FMA membership program. There is no doubt that each and every member benefits from the experience, talent, and passion of one another. All members can view the profiles of the nominees by logging into the FMA website and selecting “Members” under the upper right hand menu item “Membership.” Search for FMAsolo 2022. For more information and… Read More

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Jacob Burdette IFR 2022


2020 FMA Solo recipient, Jacob Burdette, passes with flying colors. Now on to the commercial. Jacob meets an astronaut who went to college to major in Music. And, Jacob’s musical journey with the Kent State Marching Band found him in the Idaho Potato Bowl surrounded by cowboys. “Since my last update, I have been very busy for me between flying, work, school, and music. All of the hard work and time spent on everything has finally paid off and left me with some awesome memories.” Can you guess the astronaut? Read the whole riveting account along with pictures at FMAsolo.org. SUPPORT THE FMA SOLO PROGRAM

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Jovie's First Flight

Discovery flight

Jovie WebbekingHi everyone! I wanted to share that about a week ago I went on my Discovery flight. I had been thinking about doing this for over a month, and I finally sent things into motion. I had been looking forward to it– very excited, and a little nervous. I tried to mentally prepare myself, but I found that you cannot prepare yourself for the whole experience. I was lucky enough to fly up at a time to see this sunset, it was beautiful. There’s not a real way to describe it. Up there, it feels serene, because everything going on below feels so far away and insignificant. That day,… Read More

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One Signal Notifications


One Signal has been chosen as the notification method for the immediate future. Notifications rage from news stories to action request. This method should be available on all browsers including mobile. You must allow this notification method on each device you use where you decide you want to be notified. When you visit the FMA website a dialogue box will drop down from the top. Click “Allow.” Then look for the round red circle with a bell in the middle on the bottom right hand side of the browser window. Hoover over the icon to see your status – Subscribe, Subscribed, or You’ve Blocked Notifications. Click on the bell to… Read More

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Flown West

During Thanksgiving we all cherish family and friends. Some of those are no longer with us. They touched our lives and will always be remembered for their friendship. FMA was founded and grew with the help of many of these fine people. Today, 11/25/2021, we give thanks for their contributions. God Speed my friends. Read about each here. If you know of a member, or one who contributed to FMA’s success, who has passed please let us know. Read More About Each

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FMA Member Wins NBAA Gold

Writer/musician and FMA member James Wynbrandt received the National Business Aviation Association’s 2021 Gold Wing Award for Journalism Excellence for his article “Flying in the Age of COVID-19,” which appeared in Business Jet Traveler magazine. This was his second consecutive Gold Wing Award.  On the music front, Wynbrandt, who flies a Mooney M20K 252, is recording new songs written during the lockdown, and specialty label Omnivore Records recently released “The Miamis — Lost Band of the CBGB Era (1974-1979),” documenting songs and performances of his popular New York group of the time.  In addition to Wynbrandt’s aviation writing, the Third Edition of his “A Brief History of Saudi Arabia” (Facts… Read More

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