Rachael Bugella

Flying through the Newsies!

Rachael BugellaGood morning! I am very glad to be back up to date with our family, here! For the past few weeks, my time has been heavily engaged in the musical, Newsies, that my community has put on! I, among few others, was a part of the pit orchestra. If there are any trumpet players out there, you for sure know how fun and challenging the Newsies soundtrack is! After weeks of rehearsals, we finished the final performance yesterday afternoon with a full house. In regards to aviation, I have accepted an internship at my intended college! I will be working ground crew / general support throughout the summer as… Read More

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Parker Losure SR71 USMAF

Visit to the National Museum of the USAF

Parker LosureI had a great weekend making the trip up to Dayton to the National Museum of the USAF. Had to close down the place. Got to speak to a SR-71 pilot and a Veteran who flew an F105 in Vietnam (Jim Verstreate) who actually piloted the plane on display. What a neat guy to talk with and I learned a lot from him. He actually had to eject in a different F105 after a complete electrical issue on his plane. I have been there a few times and never had enough time there. It always leaves me wanting more. Thank you so much for the welcome package FMA! I… Read More

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Commercial Pilot - Scott Lutte

Scott’s in Omaha

(update 5/6/2022: Scott is now a commercial pilot.) Scott Lutte, 2019 FMA Solo recipient, headed to Omaha, Nebraska shortly after graduating high school in South Texas. His journey has been exciting and filled with successes, one after another, tied to goals and a determination to achieve. This recent article that Scott penned for AviNation will give you a good glimpse into his life as a flying musician. Click here or the article image to read.

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Jorge Hernandez at Purdue

Go Boilermakers!

Jorge HernandezHope this post finds you all well! This weekend, my mom and I drove 18 hours from Miami, Florida to Lafayette, Indiana where Purdue University is at. Initially, I thought applying to colleges would be the most difficult part of senior year, but after receiving several rejections and acceptances, I realized that CHOOSING where I would attend has been the most stressful part so far. I spent several longs weeks of researching and paying close attention to the opinions of others. After going on their college tour today however, I finalized my decision of choosing Purdue University. Purdue is the #6 best university for Aerospace Engineering in the US… Read More

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Jake Myers takes the oath of enlistment

University, Flying, ROTC, & Other Adventures

Jake Myers, 2020 FMA Solo scholarship recipient, has a huge update. Stories like his are the best part of assisting others. With his first semester completed at Penn State University, Jake made the best of his reunion with family. “While home over Christmas, I finally got the opportunity to take my family flying. It was a dream come true, and a super cool thing to be able to do.” There is no doubt Jake’s family are very proud of his accomplishments. His FMA family is too. Many of us look forward to catching up on the latest news from Jake regarding his aviation and music journey as well as his… Read More

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Jacob Burdette IFR 2022


2020 FMA Solo recipient, Jacob Burdette, passes with flying colors. Now on to the commercial. Jacob meets an astronaut who went to college to major in Music. And, Jacob’s musical journey with the Kent State Marching Band found him in the Idaho Potato Bowl surrounded by cowboys. “Since my last update, I have been very busy for me between flying, work, school, and music. All of the hard work and time spent on everything has finally paid off and left me with some awesome memories.” Can you guess the astronaut? Read the whole riveting account along with pictures at FMAsolo.org. SUPPORT THE FMA SOLO PROGRAM

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