Sun ‘n Fun 2023

Volunteers – Sign up now! The first BIG aviation event of 2023 is fast approaching – Sun ‘n Fun – March 28 through April 2. LAMA (Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association) is glad to welcome back the Flying Musicians to the LSA Mall in Paradise City. The blue tent we had in 2021 is again being provided by the DeLand Airport. The Sound System is provided by BOSE while Honda will provide power with an Eu2200i generator. Sennheiser and SONY microphones will be available as will AirTurn mic stands. Life member Gary Filip will coordinate music and will have his Roland PF-7 keyboard available all week. Come and play! Student member… Read More

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FMA Swing Wing Scholarship

Swing Wing Scholarship Announced

Announcing the Flying Musicians Swing Wing scholarship to the NY Hot Jazz Camp in New York city. We are proud to offer a music scholarship in addition to the annual Learn to Fly scholarship – FMA Solo program. This scholarship is open to all Flying Musician members 18 to 28 years old (under 18 with parental consent may be considered) with a basic proficiency on their instrument. For application process, see below. Please download the prospectus for details about the camp. The New York Hot Jazz Camp is an immersive experience with New York’s finest traditional jazz musicians and recording artists, founded in 2015 by Co-Directors Molly Ryan and Bria Skonberg.  We aim… Read More

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2023 FMA Solo Program

If you feel you were nominated but have not heard from us, please reach out to immediately. The deadline for completing profile and checklist is February 6, 2023. The breakdown of nominees is as follows: There were eighty-six nominations received. We’ve been in touch with all but fifteen. Thirty-Two Juniors Fifty-Three Seniors Forty-One States/Provinces Represented from USA (79), Canada (5), and Puerto Rico (2).Received six each from California and Illinois. Four each received from Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Virgina, and Washington.

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AirVenture 2022

Live Music at OSH

We are back! AirVenture 2022 was as normal as can be expected after what the world has been going through. The FMA Open Mic/Jam hosted by the Ultralight folks was once again a successful gathering of pilot/musicians and live music fans. A huge thanks to John Vining, Josh & Becky Homet, and many others who assisted. Hartzell Propeller once again donated to FMA in return for music at their Props & Hops gathering. John Vining did a wonderful job along with Kass Smith and others. The Seaplane Pilots were very happy to donate this year too and were rewarded with live music performed by FMA members: Jeff Auen, Kass Smith,… Read More

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2022 FMA Solo recipient, Jovie, at Museum of Flight

The Floor is Open

Now Accepting Nominations for the 2023 FMA Solo Program/Scholarship Click Here to Contact Flying Musicians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 3, 2022, Fort Worth, TX:  The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) recognizes the correlation between hard work and skill required by both learning to fly and learning music — practice, precision, working with others, multitasking, and ultimately performance — and to that end, has opened the floor to nominations for the ninth year to passionate student musicians for the 2023 FMA Solo program. The program has averaged two scholarships per year in the first eight years while welcoming hundreds of student members into the FMA network. The 2023 FMA Solo Scholarship Program… Read More

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FMA at Mahè at Seal Beach, CA

West Coast Jam

Lee Ross (FMA Board member), Mark Jones, Jay Mason (CA ambassador), Don Raymond and Paul Villa played at the Mahè restaurant at Seal Beach in California Sunday (9/18/2022) evening representing the Flying Musicians. They had a blast while also raising awareness and funds for the Flying Musicians Association and the FMA Solo program scholarship.  East Meets West in this Flying Musicians Association event in Seal Beach, California Sept 18, 2022 Paul Villa of Huntington Beach, California and Lee Ross of Suffern, New York became acquainted through the FMA.  While never having met face-to-face, for 7 or 8 years they developed a close online friendship and mutual admiration. In July of… Read More

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Private Pilot Liam

Liam is a Pilot

Liam (FMA student member) has flown with his grandfather, FMA member Dan Keen since he was five years old. He has attended “Oshkosh” AirVenture 16 out of his 17 years of age and played percussion in the EAA AirVenture Concert Band. This summer while 16 years old, he started his training for a private pilot certificate with his grandfather as his instructor.  Enrolled in Purdue Aviation’s 141 school in West Lafayette Indiana, Liam soloed on June 24, 2022 in a PA-28-161 and met the requirements of the 141 School on July 22, 2022 except for his age! With school starting for Liam’s senior year in his home city of San… Read More

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2022 FMA Solo recipient, Jovie, at Museum of Flight

2022 FMA Solo Recipient

It is with much gratitude that we are able to fund a scholarship this year, 2022, amongst all of the uncertainties including the pandemic which has decimated society over the last 2 years. Hi! My name is Jovie and I am an aspiring pilot and avid musician. I have been playing flute for the past eight years, and more recently have added on piccolo. I play in the top orchestra in my school, am in my school’s chamber club and have been part of many youth orchestras around Seattle over the years. I have also spent time tutoring flute to elementary school students. For the past several years I have… Read More

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Jovie at FAPA

Fun weekend

Jovie WebbekingHi everyone!I had a pretty busy weekend this past weekend. On Saturday I went to a Future Pilot’s Forum run by FAPA and on Sunday I had a rocket launch with my school club. I had randomly ran into a FAPA advertisement a few weeks ago and didn’t think much of it, but as the date came closer and closer, I thought of signing up. Not knowing much about it, I did sign up, and I’m glad I did. It was held at a hotel near Seatac airport. There were not lots of people there, but it made it a little more personalized. As I walked in, I met… Read More

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2022 FMA Solo Finalists

2022 FMA Solo Finalists

We welcomed 37 new student members through the program this year. Six were chosen as finalist. Recipient(s) will be selected by the FMA board and announced by May 1, 2022. All 37 nominees are encouraged to become active. Many have done so. The program is more than just a scholarship, it’s an introduction to a network of like-minded individuals. This network will last a lifetime. Each year, for the past seven, we have administered this program which has several components: introduce student musicians to the association, nurture their passions for music and aviation, and assist those with the resources we have. Those resources have declined over the last two-plus years… Read More

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